Unlock Your Potential for Success - Because the way you think can truly transform your life!
The What
This week, I want you to take a moment to explore your mindset with a simple exercise.
Reflect on a challenge you currently face - maybe you want to learn a new skill, or eat healthier or spend less time scrolling on Insta? Grab a notebook or open notes on your phone, and jot down your thoughts about this. To help get your thoughts flowing, try using these prompts to start:
What’s the challenge?
What are your thoughts and feelings around this?
What steps can you take to overcome or succeed in this challenge?
Do you see any obstacles or opportunities around this challenge? If so, what are they?
What do you believe about your abilities, your intelligence, and your potential to overcome this challenge?
I want to learn to ....
Because / but / and I feel.....
To achieve this I would need to....
The main obstacles to me achieving this will be...
I am likely / unlikely to achieve this because I have abilities, skills etc. Such as...
Write it all down - and forget being neat about it. Just let your thoughts flow onto the paper like a wild river!
Now have a look at what you've written. Does it have any similarities to the example below?
"I want to learn to play the guitar. But I’m worried I'm already too busy to find time to learn something new. But I could practice for 20 minutes each day and enrol in a short beginner’s class to start learning the basics. I am working long hours at the moment so I need to be conscious of my energy levels. However, learning something new may also be the energy boost and change of scene I need after a long day in the office. I know this will be achievable because I can always find 20 minutes in my day and the beginners class will only be a commitment of an hour a week."
Or does it sound more like this?
"I want to learn to play the guitar. But I’m worried I'm too old to learn something new. I could try and look at some courses for adult learners. But I am also working long hours at the moment and don't have as much energy as I would like so it may be difficult to fit this in around work and getting enough rest. I also think I may struggle to keep up with others on the course as I don't have a 'natural' talent for music or as much time as others might have to practice."
If what you wrote has a similar essence to the first example, then you are already doing well in having that growth mindset. If however, your thoughts on paper sounded more like the second example or a mixture of the two then we have some work to do. If you're shocked to think of yourself as someone who might have a more fixed mindset, don't worry at all. Being aware of it so you can work on it is the most crucial step.
Let's break down the two examples and take a closer look at them.
The first example demonstrates a Growth Mindset: This mindset is all about the belief that you can develop and improve through effort, good strategies, and getting feedback from others. It champions phrases like “I will", "I can learn” or “This is a challenge I can overcome.”
The second example shows more tendencies towards a Fixed Mindset: This is the belief that your abilities and intelligence are static. It’s the notion that your qualities are carved in stone, and if you hit a snag, it can be easy to throw in the towel. Phrases like “I can’t” or “I’m just not good at this” often echo this mindset. So if you're in a fixed mindset, how do you develop a natural tendency to move towards a growth mindset? And why should you bother?
The Why
Well cultivating a growth mindset is actually pretty life-changing. It shapes the way you approach challenges and influences how you view failure. We've all hit a wall we can't get past when trying something new or difficult. If we accept that the wall has won, that's it, we are done, trapped. But if we instead just go and find a ladder to hop over the wall, we can crack on with our day.
That really is the difference in how a day can feel if you have a growth versus a fixed mindset.
In times when we feel defeated we sometimes allow those feelings to spiral into a fixed mindset. Perhaps at some point you told yourself you weren’t capable, and that led to a lack of motivation? But imagine if instead, you viewed that same situation through the lens of growth. Each setback then becomes a task you've accomplished, an adventure you've been on or a new perspective you've gained, and you slowly build resilience.
So, the big, inspiring question is: What if you could change your perspective?
By understanding that growth comes from effort, learning, and adaptation, you absolutely can shift your mindset and transform obstacles into launching pads for success.
The Beauty of a Growth Mindset
The beauty of developing a growth mindset is that it truly allows for a life of exploration and continuous learning! Picture this: you pick up a new hobby, tackle difficult work projects, or even engage in challenging conversations, all with the openness to grow and learn. You become a lifelong learner, and that journey is where the magic happens.
When I first started blogging, I feared criticism and felt a lot of self-doubt. But every piece I wrote was a chance to enjoy writing, learn new things and feel hope that Feathered Paths might be of help in putting a smile back on someone's face. The more I wrote, the more I enjoyed it and the more I got lost in enjoying the process, the less I worried about what other people thought anyway.
And trust me, that thrill of discovery is addictive! It's a whole other type of exciting when you stumble upon a new passion, develop a new skill, and find joy in the process of becoming the 'you' that you wish to be.

The How
So now you're on board with how good it's going to feel to get that growth mindset buzz, here are some tips on how to get there;
A Few Tips to Embrace a Growth Mindset:
Challenge Yourself: Seek out experiences that stretch you beyond your comfort zone. (Just outside the zone is totally fine, no need to go miles). Start the course, volunteer for a work project, make that new connection or buy the book for beginners. Growth lives where comfort ends!
Set Learning Goals Instead of Performance Goals: Instead of aiming for a specific outcome, set mini goals to improve your understanding of a project or topic. For example, your first goal could be to gather resources like books on the subject and your next goal could be to learn 3 new things about the topic.
Change Your Language: Pay close attention to the words you use. Swap fixed phrases for growth-oriented ones. Instead of saying “I can’t” try saying “I’m not there yet.” Or instead of “This is too hard,” try “This will be a challenge, but I can learn” to remind you that you are on a journey (and it's a very exciting one with tons more to discover!)
Welcome Feedback: But get it in the main from those you trust. Look for mentors, colleagues, or friends who can offer insights and support. Value constructive criticism from the trusted ones in your life as golden nuggets of wisdom that can further guide your growth!
Practice Self-Compassion: In the face of setbacks, be kind to yourself! Understand that every great achiever has faced challenges and tons (seriously tons) of failures along the way. We all stumble - learn from it and move forward.
Celebrate Progress: No matter how small, acknowledge your growth. Whether you accomplished a little or a lot, take a moment to celebrate every step. This will give you a boost in motivation when you need it. This also tends to invite even more success as positivity tends to attract more positivity and vice versa.
Share your knowledge with others: Whatever developments, skills or knowledge have been gained from your growth mindset you can be proud of them. Plus you can enjoy sharing them and helping others.
The Who
This feather is inspired by the yoga instructor who runs the Park Yoga sessions local to me. Every week when we are all trying to be the very best balanced trees or warriors that we can be, she will say "It doesn't matter if you wobble. Just find your balance and try again. It's not the falling that matters, it's how we get back up again." I'm pretty sure basically everyone in the class smiles every time she says that. Then we all crack on, trying our very best to balance on one leg, with no judgement of each other or care for how much we might be wobbling.
And that right there is an example of a bunch of people together in a beautiful moment of growth. I never thought I was the 'yoga type' but it turns out you can be any type of person you like with a growth mindset. So I turn up to the yoga class, mat under my arm, growth mindset in place and no matter how wobbly or unfit I might be, I'm now 'the yoga type' and I love it!
So that's really all there is to cultivating a growth mindset! Just have a go at being the you that you want to be and as soon as you do this, you are already one step closer to whatever you want to achieve. Embrace your growth mindset, nurture it, and watch it blossom into something beautiful. Remember, the path may be challenging, but every step you take is a step toward unlocking your true potential.
So what are you waiting for? Dive in and embrace your journey of growth! The world is yours to explore, so go ahead and make the extraordinary happen!
Lou @ Feathered Paths Xx