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A feather on your path - Upgrade your wardrobe

Writer: Lou @ Feathered PathsLou @ Feathered Paths

The Marmite of clothes shopping - How to upgrade your wardrobe when you're not in the mood to shop.

The What -

Upgrade your wardrobe this week. No spare cash right now? Ok then just do yourself a favour and at least throw out that sparkly catsuit you wore to your friends 21st too many years ago to remember. If you're not going to wear it again in the next 6 months, get rid of it. It's cluttering your wardrobe but also your mind.

If you do have some cash but the shops are just too peopley for you right now, then read on for some tips on how to navigate this.

But whether it's a clear out, a swap shop or an online purchase, give your wardrobe an upgrade. Your body deserves to feel good and your mind does too.

The Why -

If you're feeling like everything you wear looks 'meh' and maybe even life in general is just feeling a little 'eurgh' then it's definitely time for a wardrobe upgrade.

Problem - it's super peopley out there and your bank account isn't looking too healthy. You've been hibernating and stockpiling over the winter and whilst you enjoyed and deserved every one of those doughnuts. (They were crucial to your survival and warmth after all!) Now you don't even know what size you wear anymore and you really don't want to find out. Yep, been there.

I've also been in that mindset where getting dolled up and putting on my best frock feels like a mountain to climb. Or I want to treat myself to a new bikini for my summer holiday but i'm pretty sure with a bit of sun, I will just look like a pink sweaty pork joint in it, all tidied up in string, ready for the oven.

So at this point, hiding in the house in sweats and a hoody and searching for more doughnuts seems like the logical response. Thing is, I promise this is counterproductive and it's only really the first one or two doughnuts that actually bring comfort. The third and fourth in my experience, tend to just result in sadness, dark contemplation and a stomach ache.

Baby steps back to the posh togs and good feels

So if this is where your mind is at right now, then we need to just focus on those baby steps to get back in our posh togs and regain the good feels. We deserve to strut our stuff, frolic in our flowy frocks and wear our string bikinis with no shame. And we will.

So first things first on the baby steps, if you really need to stay in the sweats today, why not put on some mascara? If you really can't be doing with showering - dry shampoo your main. There is nothing in this world more beautiful than a smile so at least brush those pearly whites. You manage this and you're already half way up the mountain to the posh frock waiting at the top.

If you've not succumbed to the sweats and doughnuts lifestyle completely but you are a bit low on energy or not really feeling like going outside today, then there are still ways to get up that last bit of the mountain to the new frock you deserve.

Buying a new outfit to beautifully frame your wonderfulness will absolutely help bring about the good feels. So below are my top tips for clambering up those last few feet of the shopping mountain, to get yourself a well-deserved wardrobe upgrade;

  • Absolutely shop online if it's looking too peopley outside for you today. But have some idea of what you want and which online shop you want to go to. Otherwise you may spend hours staring at the screen, confused and overwhelmed by the choices.

  • You don't necessarily need to buy something new to upgrade your wardrobe. Just remove the things that you don't really wear and the rest will piece together far better. In the words of Marie Kondo- "If it doesn't spark joy, dispose of it". Then take your favourite pieces to keep and try out new outfit mixes with them.

  • Check out the clothes at the supermarket when you do your weekly shop. One of my closest friends regularly turns up to meet me looking stunning in a new dress and it's more often than not from a supermarket.

  • If clothes shopping stresses you out, avoid the sales racks. They are an exhausting mess. Just look at the clothes on the manikins in the store, find one dressed in an outfit you like and try on that outfit.

  • If you know you want to upgrade your wardrobe but you hate spending hours walking round the shops, then pick three. Before you go, decide which three clothes shops are the ones you want to go in and just visit them. If they are the stores where you've found clothes you like in the past, they probably have the closest fits for your body shape and will be your best bet anyway.

  • Wear an outfit you really like to shop in. If you try something on and it doesn't feel as good as the outfit you came in wearing, it's not the one. Put it back

  • Also make sure your outfit to shop in isn't too difficult to change in and out of and make sure you aren't wearing anything too hot. The changing rooms get stifling and it just adds to the stress.

  • If you shop with someone, make sure it's someone who doesn't stress you out and knows if clothes shopping isn't your favourite pastime.

  • Don't go out clothes shopping when you're in a particularly low mood. Every skinny little manikin will annoy you, somehow nothing will fit right and you will just tire yourself out and go home empty handed to comfort eat.

  • Give yourself breaks and take a bottle of water. Shopping for clothes when you're a woman is basically a mission so approach it like one. Shopping for clothes when you're a man may be just a tad easier. Your Mum/wife/girlfriend/sister will probably just do it for you. Plus there are only about 4 different outfit options for men and they will somehow magically all fit your body shape. #notfair

So whether you are in full on hibernating mode or just feeling a bit 'meh' it's still possible to treat yourself to a new frock and give yourself a boost. It's all about the baby steps peeps and I just know if you follow them, you can climb that clothes mountain to a much deserved wardrobe upgrade.

The Who -

This feather is thanks to my sister and her patience many times when shopping with me. She has had to basically rescue me from the changing rooms when I got so stressed and tired that I just stood there, half dressed in a top that was too tight. She still enjoys impersonating me hot and flustered, arms stuck in the air, letting out a long sigh and admitting "I can't get out". It wasn't my finest moment but it has provided many years of giggles for us both.

Lou @ Feathered Paths Xx



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